Unmissable apps for musicians

In addition to Instagram, Twitter, Facebook or Tik Tok, these are the must-have apps for artists and musicians.

Metronome: allows you to choose the rhythm and time signature https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.andymstone.metronome&hl=es_CO&gl=US

Vanido: aimed at singers, to train and do vocal exercises https://vanido.io/

Yousician: perfect for those who want to learn to play an instrument https://yousician.com/

n-Track Tuner: it is a tuner for both voice and instruments https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ntrack.tuner&hl=es_419&gl=US

Ireal Pro: recreate a real band with instruments like piano, guitar, bass and drums. Ideal for singers https://irealpro.com


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